So far we have been enjoying a lovely autumn season.
Lots of clear crisp days, and very little rain.
It's so nice to be able to play outside a bit every day.
Our Jordy required some repairs to his hearing aids, after his teacher noticed some crackling noises whenever she would hook up the FM system. The school's audiologist was kind enough to ask Phonak to waive the repair fee and we are happy to report that they did! Whew! That's $450 we can save, right? We sent a very grateful letter to Phonak a few days after they were sent off to be fixed.
Unfortunately, a few days after THAT we lost one of the school's loaners! Man, we tore this place apart looking for it. We were three places that day: home, the car and Mark & Aida's house. We have searched all three, and there isn't a whole lot of square footage in between the two. It could have been lost in the parking lot of Tia's apartment, but if it was there either someone picked it up and we'll never see it again or it fell into a nearby drain and we'll never see it again. We certainly did look in our own driveway too. It's been over a week, and we got Jordan's newly repaired HA's back, but the missing one has yet to turn up. We're waiting to get a $700 bill from CHSC.
Not sure why, but it seems worse to have lost one of the school's loaners than had it been one that belonged to us! And so odd when we have "lost" one or both of Jordan's so many times and they always turn up within a day or two. It's so unusual for us to not be able to find them upon retracing our steps. Only once have we ever found them in a place they had no business being in, and that was when he had chucked them into the bowl of the dining room light fixture. Still, we found it!
Ugh. At any rate, we can't really be too disappointed, it seems an inevitability. And really we are lucky to have eluded this fate for so long, still.... Hey at least we didn't have to pay for the repair AND the loss! Thank you, Phonak!
J-man gets new ear molds cast to replace the one lost with the loaner HA.
Last Thursday CHSC arranged for a trip to The Country Pumpkin Patch in Richmond, that's the same patch Chris grew up picking his pumpkins from. Our friend Eryn came along with us, which was a huge help to Mommy. It was a great patch to visit, with a musical wagon ride out to the pumpkin picking area. And though they don't have as many pumpkins to choose from as Laity Pumpkin Farm, where we have gone the last few years, it scored big on atmosphere! Not only did each hay wagon have a musician playing toe-tapping sing-along faves, when we got back to the front of the farm there was a band playing Halloween themed songs, a crunchy apple for everyone, and lots of farm animals for the kids to see, some of them even roaming free -- Cygni loved that.
We loved having Eryn with us, and we think she enjoyed it too!
The patch on a misty morning!
Jordan carried his pumpkin all on his own the whole time!
Singing along on the way back!
The next day, Eryn came over again and we carved out pumpkins. Jordan was a good helper!
We all made a little trip to Funland, and Jordan went on one of the rides all on his own!
We love that J-man is getting to be more independent, but
our fave part of this video is at :19 -- Oh Cygni!
We love that J-man is getting to be more independent, but
our fave part of this video is at :19 -- Oh Cygni!
Jordan and Mommy also made up some goodie-bags to share with his CHSC classmates on Halloween!
On Sunday, Daddy took us all to ride the Stanley Park Ghost Train. Mommy was a little worried it would be too scary for the nuggets, but it turns out that during the matinee rides, they don't animate the monsters and there aren't any actors to jump out at you. All of that happens after night falls at 6pm. It was a nice little train ride in the park, with Classic Monster Movie themed life-size dioramas and music. Afterwards we played at the playground nearby.
Cygni met and high-fived the Frog Prince!
Is that how the fairy tale went....
Some beautiful moments on the swings
That morning, Cygni and her big brother raided that chocolate while Mom & Dad slept in!
And at last we are so pleased to tell you that Jordan is finally swinging on the big-boy swing!
Mommy thought it would never happen,
but she has been happily proved wrong!
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