Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

 We had a lot of fun this Halloween!

While Jordy was in school, Mommy & Cygni went to IHOP, 
where they were giving away free Halloween Face Pancakes to kids under 12.  
We had some laughs making a pumpkin face for little C and wearing spooky headbands!

Later we went to pick up Jordy from school, and Teddy Bear Cygni got to get a treat from 
Admin Assistant, Judi!  Er, I mean, First Mate, Judi -- arrrrrr!

Jordy did some Trick-or-Treating around school that day and  immediately 
upon buckling into his seat, he dove into his bag of goodies.  
He got a bit of a trick though, when he bit into these treats...

 ...not quite the taste he was expecting I guess! 

 Mommy dressed up as LumberJACK on Halloween and LumberJILL for bookclub the night before.

 The kids had so much fun dressing up and collecting candy from Daddy's Work, 
School and the Neighbours!

Jordan was a very big boy, and rang all the doorbells that he could reach, on his own.
Sometimes he needed a little prompting, but Jordan said, 
"Trick-or-Treat" and, "Thank you!" to everyone.
We think we're going to have our work cut out for us next year, asking him not to run too far ahead!
Here's some video from the last house; Jordan was a little scared of the friendly puppy:

We hope you also had a Happy Halloween!

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