Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving from us up here in Canada!  We had our big feast this Saturday and invited our friends Tia Aida and Uncle Mark to join us.  In the days before Jordan helped Mommy with a sweet pumpkin extravaganza!  We made pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie and pumpkin cheesecake together.  We enjoyed a traditional turkey feast and it was so nice to have some of our favourite people with us.

 Mini-pumpkin loaves

A pumpkin cheesecake - yum!

 And Jordy's favourite, pumpkin pie

The next morning, Jordan had gotten up before the rest of the household and when Daddy opened up the fridge he found this:

When Daddy addressed Jordan and asked if he had eaten the pie, Jordan told his very first lie.  He said no.  Dad asked him over and over again and J-man denied the crime for several minutes.  Later on when Mommy came downstairs and heard the news we all had a little talk about being truthful.  Later on we went out into the beautiful crisp fall day and enjoyed a visit in the park.  Jordan did a lot of climbing!

No, he didn't fall, he's just lying down among the leaves!

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