The day after Aunt Virginia and Uncle Larry left for home (they stayed a couple days at Mary's after they left us,) Daddy went on his first business trip since The Little Dumer has been in our lives. His new job will probably take him on trips much more regularly than he had in the past. This time he visited the EA Redwood Shores studio in California for a few days, so it was the Mommy & Jordy Show Wednesday through Friday that week. We did really well! I had to adjust my work schedule so I was always off by 5:30 but we made it work.
Just before Easter, on her birthday, Nanny Mary sold her house! That didn't take long! So, it's official, she is moving to Newfoundland this summer. Charlie just got into town yesterday and is going to help her get packed up and moved. They've set a wedding date for August 19th which is all very exciting and we are happy for her, even though we are sad that she won't be as much of a presence for Jordan as she is now. Still, we'll have skype and the occasional visit!
Then of course, was Easter. Mommy got it in her head that we would try an Easter Egg Hunt this year. As it turned out, this was rather ill-advised. I think Jordy was a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of other children involved. Besides that there was a lot more than an egg hunt going on, they started with crafts, then mother goose story time, and THEN the egg hunt. Little Man would not participate in crafts at all. He did okay with story time, but when it was egg hunting time, he was too distracted by the balloons that were blowing in the breeze, and upset that I wouldn't let him have any. We snatched up a few eggs and claimed our goodie bag. I dragged the boy kicking and screaming back to the car (he was absolutely outraged that I did not procure for him a balloon before leaving!) and after placating him with a chocolate to get him to sit still enough to strap him into his carseat, he passed out! Whew -- exhausting! After both Mommy and Jordy tumbled into bed for naps, we were greeted not long after waking by Nanny and Grampa Charlie, Tia Aida and Uncle Mark and Cousin Jerry and his very pregnant wife, Michelle. Nanny decided to make us all what will most likely be our last traditional Mary turkey dinner for the holiday. It was an excellent meal and a very good visit with our dearest family and friends.
A few days after Easter Jordan developed a cough which he promptly shared with Mommy, and as usually happens with his coughs it turned rather croupy. Well, Dad took him to the audiologist one day, not long after, to pick up new ear molds and on the way Jordy puked in the car, Daddy just got him cleaned up and he went and did it again -- odd! He seemed to be okay afterwards, so Chris just decided to go through with the appointment thinking that the coughing was just too hard and prompted the puking up of breakfast, and that he'd be okay. He called me afterward and we made the call that we had to at least try getting him to daycare. Now, we know, there is a strict rule no child is to go to day care within 24 hours of vomiting, but we were sure that this was not THAT kind of vomiting. So we dropped him off. Wrong! A few hours later, Miss Veronica called me at work and told me he was mopey and clingy and not at all himself, and that he was having trouble breathing. So I called Dad and he went to pick him up. As it turns out, I got home just a little after Dad and Jordy did and I could tell something was wrong just looking at him. When Chris picked him up Miss Neda said his heart seemed to be racing, and I noticed that in addition to really raspy breathing. We decided to take him to the ER. We drove out to Eagle Ridge Hospital and had our first ER experience with the Little Dumer. He did get worse before we were seen; he began sweating like crazy, was pissed off to be in such a strange place and his heart still pounding like crazy. The ER nurse took one look at his heart rate and got us into the ward within 15 minutes even though there was a room full of people who'd been there before us. It was that which told us we had made the right call and we were not over-reacting. After some poking and prodding, the doc gave him a steroid to inhale in an attempt to reduce what he suspected to be inflammation caused by the coughing and leading to a really bad case of croup. He wasn't completely sure, so he also ordered some x-rays be taken of Jordy's chest to make sure it wasn't pneumonia. The steroid helped immensely and he calmed down enough to take a nap on Dad's chest. We asked if the vomiting earlier in the day was a symptom of something else, and he didn't really ever say, I think we can only guess that Daddy's hunch was right and that the coughing was just so violent it caused breakfast to come up again. We spent a total of 3 hours at the ER and I took the next day off work to make sure Jordan would be okay. He was pretty much back to normal an hour or so after we got home, still coughing, but a lot less wheezy and raspy.
Yes, we have had some adventures, and work as well as day-to-day living is keeping us busy. The Little Dumer has been sleeping like a big boy with his crib now converted to a toddler bed (the mattress on the lowest setting and the side rungs removed,) for over a month now. He decided one day that he was done napping and tried to climb out of his crib on his own, the first time he was lucky, as Mommy was there and ready to catch him, but the second time he wasn't and tumbled right out as one is wont to do with gravity on the earth being what it is. That decided matters for me, we took the 4th side off the crib that day. We tried one of those side-rail things but it was just too big for the toddler size bed so we decided to go without and placed a comforter on the floor under him for when he rolls off the mattress. He rolled out a few times, and woke himself up on occasion, but we haven't heard him fall out in a long time. I think we'll keep the extra padding there for a little longer, but we think he has pretty much nailed the new sleeping arrangements.
He continues to surprise and charm us with his learning. He is acquiring new signs at an amazing pace and uses them for the most part, though he does get frustrated with us at times and we have to remind him to tell Mommy or Daddy what he wants or to use his signs. He is speaking more too! Among his vocabulary are "bubble," "ball," "all done," and "high five" to name a few. He has about 8 words altogether.
But besides all the daily stuff there is to tucker a mother out, I am also finding myself in need of the occasional extra nap from time to time... it gets tiring building a baby! Yes, you read that correctly, we are expecting another little Dumer on November 2oth! We didn't exactly plan for this to happen quite yet, but now that we have had fourteen weeks to wrap our brains around it, we are quite happy and think it will be very good timing for Jordan. Poor kid, has no idea what's coming! We have tried to tell him I have a baby inside, but he just kind of looks at us sideways like we're crazy. He seems to be really good with visiting children, so we are hopeful. While we both just want the new kiddo to be healthy, I think Chris and Nanny are pretty much hoping for a little sister for Jordan. While I do think one of each is nice, I can't seem to make myself forget that little girls turn into teenage girls....

Wow, we are getting pretty well caught up here. Just one more thing to share about and that is Jordy's 2nd birthday party! We've still got a few more days til he officially turns TWO, but we wanted to take time this weekend to celebrate, so we invited lots of family and close friends for a little party. Mommy and Daddy chose a race car theme and had some cool decorations and a cake featuring the Pixar characters from the Cars movie. Not that Jordan knows the difference, but we're pretty sure in a few months he will, all little boys seem to love this movie. Besides that I thought it a better choice than a pirate theme for example, as he has no clue what a pirate is but at least knows a car goes, "vrrroom-vrroom," and he laughs and claps when Daddy takes a fast turn onto Coast Meridian during the morning commute. Jordy's new cousin and Jerry and Michelle's daughter, Isabella came to help celebrate and her cousin Nolan who is 10 months came out too. Unfortunately, his buddies Owen and Jake couldn't make it, but J-man had a fun time anyway, carrying his balloon around all day, and having cake and collecting kisses from his favourite people. We'll sing happy birthday to him again on his actual birthday, but it was great to have so many of our favourite people around to wish him the best this Saturday. Thanks to all who came! We love you!
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