Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunny Weekend Fun

Saturday was such a gorgeous day that we invited our friends Tia Aida and Uncle Mark over to play in the back yard and to BBQ with us.  We got to play our usual badminton and Jordy was introduced to Water Balloons!  He mostly just loved to pop them against the fence or to smash them with his baseball bat.  But he was a good sport about getting hit by one or two and getting wet.  Everyone got hit with at least one water bomb yesterday!

And then on Sunday, Mommy took J-man to his first feature length movie.  Beforehand we talked about how the movie theatre is a special place with some new rules.  #1) We have to be quiet, #2) we have to sit down in our seat, #3) we have to pay attention and watch the movie and #4) we have to go potty before the movie starts.  Jordan did a pretty good job following the rules so Mommy is willing to take him again soon.  But he was not that great at paying attention to the movie, he was very interested in seeing the other people in the theatre and watching the way the light shone out of the projector.  Still he laughed at a few parts of the movie which he clearly thought were funny.  We saw The Croods, an animated film about some cave-people who eventually learn how to stop living in fear so that they can live life!  It was pretty fun.

And when Mommy & Jordan got home it was still a beauty of a hot day so we played out in the back yard some more.  Cygni had some very cute moments while enjoying her freezie, so we'll leave you with that happy picture as you say good-bye to your weekend!

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