Besides all that, we have been basking in an Olympic glow and are only just starting to get back to real life again. Jordan is now 9 months old and on the 24th we discovered that he can now clap his hands rather than his fists - and makes a very gratifying clapping sound! We think Jordan will be pulling himself to stand soon. He grabs the crib rail and often gives it a try, though he usually winds up with his legs stuck in between the slats, but it won't be long til he figures out he needs to get those feet under his bum before he pushes off. He's still scooting around on his posterior and refuses to be put on his tummy to crawl, so I have resigned myself to this being his mode of transport until he starts cruising; I think it's his way of telling me he wants his hands free to get into trouble. I will try to get him to the public health unit soon for an official weigh-in, but we were at the Old Spaghetti Factory a few days ago and they have a scale in the waiting area (weight-ing area?) that said he was about 21 lbs. Why they have a scale there I couldn't, for the life of me, tell you!
Part of our Olympic experience included going to see a couple of events. We decided we would not attempt to bring Jordy but would have a sitter look after him. Well, after our last experience, when he cried the entire time, we thought it may be best to leave him with someone he knows really well, so Nanny Mary answered the call. We left the two together and went in all our Canada Gear to see Women's Hockey, Canada v. Slovakia, on the 13th. Just before heading to the venue, Chris and I decided to grab a bite to eat at the Waterfront Centre food court, and as I was coming back to our table someone approached me and complimented my hat, and said they would give me $10 if I would sing "O Canada" to the entire food court! Well, they got me on a good day, I would normally not have the guts for such a performance, but I was caught up in the patriotic spirit and I did it! It was not too hard, but I was a little shaky afterwards! We then met up with our friends the Drivers and went through security together, excited for the game. Admittedly, it was not the most fun game ever, as it was a 18-0 blowout win for Canada, but it was a cool experience. We hurried home, worried that Jordan and Nanny would both be at their wits' ends, but we came home to a sleeping baby and Nanny reported that he was "perfect." We had been gone for about 8 hours: the longest Jordan has ever been separated from his Mommy. Well, this erased all concerns when we left the two together for our next event on the 18th, Men's Hockey, Canada v. Switzerland. It was a nail-biter that we won in a shoot-out, and afterwards we took a little extra time to go see the Olympic Cauldron. We got home and though the grandmother and baby were both still awake, they had enjoyed their time together. Wow, two baby-sittings for Jordy that were no problem! Hooray!
The 2010 Winter Olympics Cauldron
The following weekend, Gramma and Grampa Young came up for a visit. Chris treated them to tickets to see the Women's Freestyle Aerials qualifier and they also had tickets to see Ice Dance. After their Saturday event, the whole family loaded into a West Coast Express train and went downtown to be a part of the sea of humanity and view the cauldron again. There were more people milling around downtown than any of us had ever experienced, but it wasn't too bad to navigate through; I do admit though that I thought it would be convenient to have a bumper on the front of the stroller and a horn. It was nice to have the folks up for a visit and to see Gramma getting to play with Jordy, even if it was only for a short while. I know Gramma Nitzie is already thinking about the possibility of coming up for Jordy's first birthday. Can you believe it will be here in less than three months? I know I have said it so many times, but really, where does the time go?
Gramma Nitzie playing with Jordan
Last Thursday we had tickets to the Victory Celebration at BC Place and decided to bring Jordy along. We got to see the Women's Short track speed skating team get their Silver Medals and Sang "O Canada" as the Women's Bobsleigh team were presented their Gold Medals. Then Jordan got the opportunity to experience his first ever concert (don't worry, Daddy stuffed some cotton in his ears and we slapped a hat with ear flaps on him to protect what hearing he does have!) Burton Cummings rocked out some of the old Guess Who hits, and Jordy slept through it all! We would have liked to stay right to the end, but it was getting a bit late and the boy was asleep, so we did the responsible thing and packed him up and took him home. It was a fun night anyway. And finally, On Sunday he donned his Team Canada jersey and sat on the floor with us as we watched the heart-stopping Canada v. USA Men's Hockey Gold Medal Game. The last few games we viewed on the TV with him had him bursting into tears everytime Daddy would whoop over a goal; but I suppose he got used to it eventually, because he seemed to take every holler in stride this time around! Thankfully, it ended happily with Canada winning Gold and we were able to enjoy the Closing Ceremonies with the Drivers, satisfied with our Olympic Experience instead of a in a pall of depression over losing The Big Game to the USA - a fate worse than death. which time he decides to sleep!
And now the Olympics are all over, and we are quite sad to see it go! Still, reality intrudes and we are pretty much back to our old routines, and adapting to new changes within those. Our Audiologist, Selma is now off on Maternity leave so we will only be going to the New Westminster clinic for the fitting of new ear molds, any testing in the next year will be conducted through the Burnaby clinic, and of course, we will also miss Selma! She promises she will be returning next year though. And, we will be welcoming our new S-LP next Monday. Yes, Sydelle has had to leave DCS too, a tough bit of news to hear as there was an even greater connection for me and Jordy with her than there was with Ayasha. We are still in touch though, and she is able to continue working in this specific field she loves, just out of a different outreach centre, BC Family Hearing Resource Society in Surrey. Our new S-LP will be Ingrid, who we first met at one of our earliest ELF sessions and is returning to work from her own maternity leave. We're pretty confident that this time, Ingrid will be a stable S-LP for us, most especially because DCS is just fresh out of other S-LPs! I've heard nothing but the highest praise for Ingrid and I look forward to working with her. In addition, our ASL instructor, Ritva is now back from her snowbirding trip to Arizona and we will resume lessons this Thursday. Though we had an interim instructor, we took a break through the Olympics and hope we won't be in too rough of shape for Ritva! We're also looking forward to this weekend when we start Swim Babies! Hooray! I got Jordan a couple of pairs of super-cute swim diapers, one with a blowfish on the bum and another with clown fish all over for when he outgrows the other one. I am determined that Jordy not grow up afraid of the water and unable to swim until the age of twelve like his Mommy! I am thinking it will be a lot of fun for us as a family. We'll tell you all about it soon!
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