Thursday, February 11, 2010

Goin to the Torch Relay

It's Olympic Eve and when we heard that the torch relay would be winding it's way through our little town of PoCo, we decided that we would get up super early and brave the traffic and crowds to have a look, it's a rare opportunity we wanted to seize. We headed downtown an hour and fifteen minutes before the torch was supposed to arrive and it was the perfect time! We were able to find a good parking spot and and great spectator spot that was undercover but close to the relay path! Luckily, the Little Dumer fell asleep again shortly after getting packed into the stroller and we hung out fairly comfortably, and had fun chatting with neighbouring spectators. Jordy woke up in perfect time! About ten minuted before the torch arrived! He was so well-behaved! Not a tear in sight! I am sure he was bewildered by all the circumstance and ceremony, but he was a happy little fellow and got many compliments on his Canada duds!

Daddy & Babe just before we left, aren't they cute?!

Our neighbours, Orval & Sandy know how to pick a good spot,
they were right across from us!

Mommy & The Little Dumer

Not the best pics, but it's hard to take a good pic
when you have an armful of baby and everyone's so excited!
Chris got some good footage on the video camera,
maybe we can upload some later on...

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