Near the end we all convened again and talked about the "Torpedo," something that, lifeguard Sarah says we will all work toward doing on about the 4th or 5th session. For the torpedo, you pull the baby toward you under the water in a way that the water avoids going into babe's nasal passages. So on day one we practiced the motion without submerging them. Chris said he had the guts to do it, but Sarah would probably have gotten mad at him! Well, we had session number two on Sunday and he went for it. Jordan was amazing, he did not freak out at all! In fact, all of the kids have been impressive so far; they all seem to totally dig being in the pool, though I am certain Jordy thinks that the pool water is not very tasty! We are looking forward to next weekend, it is excellent family time! Maybe we'll get some video of the torpedo next time.
Jordan is growing and learning so much that at times it seems to be right before our eyes! Last week for the very first time, he gave me something - a block. I was so dumbfounded I could hardly sign and say, "Thank you!" Once I recovered, I gave it back to him, and then just cos I was wondering what would come of it, I held out my hand and asked to have it back... and he gave it to me! And I let fly the most profuse and enthusiastic thanks, possibly in my whole existence. He simply beamed at me. Then I had to call Chris at work to tell him the good news. Jordan then took his sharing to the next level today and offered me a bite of his cracker! O Benevolent Babe! What a good little sharer! He has also been rocking Daddy's world by giving high-fives. Daddy holds up his hand to Jordy and says, "High-five!" And Jordan happily accomodates. I meant to get video tonight for you, but Daddy was somewhat en dishabille so it will have to wait til next time. The little Dumer has yet to oblige Mommy in this fashion, much as I try! Maybe it's a male bonding thing.

On Monday, Ingrid came over and got to know us a little bit and to see where we are in Jordan's therapy sessions. It was pretty casual, not a whole lot of "work" happening that day, but more about connecting and getting our bearings. Jordan really did seem to cotton to Ingrid right away, so I am sure the transition will be as seamless as can be expected.

On Monday, Ingrid came over and got to know us a little bit and to see where we are in Jordan's therapy sessions. It was pretty casual, not a whole lot of "work" happening that day, but more about connecting and getting our bearings. Jordan really did seem to cotton to Ingrid right away, so I am sure the transition will be as seamless as can be expected.
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