Sunday, September 15, 2013

First week of school

So Jordy finished up his first week of school at the Children's Hearing and Speech Centre of BC (CHSC)!  And we are pleased to say we are off to an auspicious start!  He cried pretty good when Daddy left him on the first day, but it wasn't for long, reports his teacher Helen.  When Mommy went to pick him up on day one, she asked him if he had a good time at school and he said, with a smile on his face, "Yeah!"  When asked what he did that day he said, "Gym! Storytime!" with enthusiasm.  Six months ago one would have been hard-pressed to get a response out of him at all, much less an excited one.  And later on that evening he was singing a new song he learned at school!  Wow!  He is still in a bit of a "no!" phase, but despite this he has somehow learned more names of teachers and staff at the school than Mommy and Daddy know!  And he now greets his mom and sister with a, " Hi Mommy, hi Cygni," when they arrive to take him home. We are looking forward to seeing more positive changes in the coming year as he grows and gets more comfortable at CHSC.

Jordan leaves his friends and teacher Helen, to come home

Mommy and Daddy are also adjusting to a new school, with a new routine.  Jordan's old school was 9am to 2pm, Monday through Thursday; his new school goes all 5 days and is from 9am to 3pm.  CHSC is also very big on parental involvement, which is great, but means some schedule juggling.  Each morning they have singing time from 9:00am to 9:20 and since Daddy drives Jordan in (the school is only 5 minutes away from Dad's work) he gets to join in the singing.  So far Jordan hasn't really participated, but he is listening because he sings the songs once he gets home!  This school also has a weekly group meeting with the teacher, a bi-weekly individual meeting with the teacher and two lessons with the Speech Language Pathologist each week where parents are encouraged to join at least once.  We think that all this involvement will really help Jordan and he seems to be happy with the speech-centric curriculum.

This is how Cygni kills time waiting for Jordy to get out of school!

School is thirsty business!

Children's Hearing and Speech Centre is right next door to Sunny Hill Health Centre, 
a satellite clinic of BC Children's hospital, and they have a fanstastic playground.  
Since school has started we have had sunny days so before we hop in the car home, we play around a little. 

You can't see it in this photo, but through those trees behind Jordan is a gorgeous view of The Lions (a pair of  peaks on the North Shore mountains.) 
It's a great little park, a nice place to wait those times Mommy arrives to school a little too early

Cygni walking down the stairs to help pick up J-man on Friday.
The leaves on the steps are warning us summer is nearly over though...

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