As we mentioned in the last post, Jordy has really been into music lately.
One of the things he likes doing is pictured above, he sets up his favourite toy figures and the iPad
and plays either the "drums" or "guitar" and sings along with the music on his iPad.
We theorize that the figures are his audience, or perhaps his band.
Sometimes he also will set up several buckets like the one he is sitting on as a drum kit and play on them with spoons.
The week before school, we went for a horse drawn carriage and
were tourists in our own back yard taking in Stanley Park.
Jordan enjoyed the ride and Cygni loved meeting the horses, and gave them each a rub on the muzzle.
The weekend before school, we went to Mexico Fest at the Vancouver Convention Centre, with Tia Aida and Uncle Mark.
It was game day for the Oregon Ducks so Jordan wore his football jersey and Daddy wore his hat.
Cygni got to go on her first SkyTrain ride!
We also met this baby beluga whale there.
We are not sure what belugas have to do with Mexican culture, but we all gave him high fives!
Especially as one of Cygni's favourite songs is "Baby Beluga."
Then we had some delicious tacos! Yummmmmy!
Tacos al pastor y tacos carnitas
I'm salivating just typing that!
Jordy being back to school, means Mommy has more one-on-one time with Cygni.
We went to check out a lighting store in Maple Ridge and then had some lunch at The Big Feast,
where Cygnificant played happy homemaker until the food arrived, then she did this....
See! Food!
No, I didn't teach her that, she did it all on her own!
And one other day we went to Art Knapp's Plantland to pick up something for the garden,
only to discover they had set up and autumn Funland, and when Cyg saw the Carousel we just had to ride it!
Then we went to the grocery store where the deli lady gave her this Chicken hat to wear,
and she obliged for about 5 seconds.
Last week was also Tia Aida's birthday, so I tried to get the kids to record a message for her,
since they wouldn't get to see her that day, here's what I managed to capture:
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