Monday, March 25, 2013

Marching into Spring

It's been a great month!  Nothing super exciting since Yo Gabba Gabba, but we've had some kind of fun all along the way just the same.  We've been enjoying a little sunshine each week, even though we get some days that are very rainy and most are still quite cold.  But it's nice to see more and more play moving out of doors each day.

Just before Spring Break, we found this little creature on the road near our house!  Mommy got a picture, but she didn't want to get too close!  The skunk was moving very gingerly and making no effort to run and hide from all of us people as we started our busy days on our way to school and work.  Chris urged me to find an agency to take it away.  I talked it over with our neighbours, Orval and Sandy, and they managed to get someone over to collect her.  Turns out this was a juvenile female who had been injured (we are presuming a predator attack.)  Good news though, the man who picked her up said the possibility for rehabilitation looks very likely!

 lots of fun times playing at the gym on rainy Fridays!

On St. Patrick's Day, Mommy & Daddy celebrated their 11th Wedding Anniversary.  They decided that since they only got to have dinner last year, they would splash out a little and go to the opera too this time around.  It was very nice spending nearly a whole day together and kid-free!

Afterwards, we went to a restaurant called Chambar for some Belgian-inspired food and drink.  Daddy was really happy with his beer choice, imported from Belgium and brewed by monks!  And everything else tasted delicious, especially with no ankle biters to rush us through our meal!

 evading the paprazzi

It's nice to see the kids able to play together more and more

And last Saturday, Mommy took Jordy to a friend's birthday party where we got to eat an amazing cake made by Owen's Mom and we made super-hero power-cuffs!  Owen also had a huge trampoline to jump on!  Mommy would have loved to get a shot of J-man jumping sky high, but he was too afraid to do more than sit on it and even that was only for a couple of minutes.  Maybe next time, Jordan!

 Owen showing us how to jump


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