Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to Fall!
So, we lucked out this year and the sunny warm days lasted all the way into the first week and a half of October! We had our favourite friends, Tia Aida and Uncle Mark over for Thanksgiving again this year and it was nice enough to go out into the backyard and play to get the kids out from underfoot! It's not often we'd be able to do that! And now we are into autumn, and the leaves are changing into beautiful colours and the smell of fall and rain are in the air now too. While it is sad to see the summer depart, we are looking forward to the activities of a new season.
Jordan takes Tia Aida's shoes for a test drive on Thanksgiving!
One of those autumn fun-times was choosing pumpkins at Laity Pumpkin Patch! It was a glorious day for picking pumpkins! Can't wait til Halloween, when we go to Dad's work and around the neighbourhood for Trick'rTreating, we'll be sure to put up some photos on the blog, but we're not going to tell you our costume ideas, we'll save that as a surprise!
Yes, Cygni has inherited Jordy's Zombie Baby "Eat Brains" shirt
and gets lots of smiles and comments when she wears it.
We've been practising walking with Cygni!
She can do it, as you see in this video,
but it's not her chosen mode of transportation yet;
she still prefers the security of scooting.
And a couple of weeks ago we took J-man in for his first dentist visit. We practised with him, how to open his mouth really wide for the "Dentist-Doctor" and told him that someone would "count" his teeth. But when Dr. Chin actually came in to have a look, Jordan was pretty resistant. And when we did talk him into opening wide, he wanted to clam up as soon as the doc put his fingers in there! At any rate, it's amazing what the dentist was able to assess from just that brief look inside! Jordy has one small cavity between his top two front teeth. He gave us the option of holding off treatment and reassessing in a few months, or going in for treatment which would involve putting Jordan under anaesthesia for about an hour to put in a filling and give him some sealant for his back teeth. We decided that we had better do the filling. So, we are waiting to hear from insurance and to make an appointment. In the meantime we are building up our dental hygiene routine to include flossing.
Say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
Oh, you know, just kickin' back in the dentist's chair!
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