Sunday, September 9, 2012

Family Fun at EA

Cygni's 9 month photos came in about a week ago!
Grandparents will be getting their portraits in the mail soon!
Isn't she lovely, all cutified for fall!?

Ah, but before fall arrives, we have a couple of adventures to share photos of!  On the 30th of August we went to Daddy's work for EA's annual Family Fun Day!  And sure enough, we had lots of fun!  Take a look:

Cygni gets a hold of the hammer Jordy won when we came in,
she looks pretty serious!

 Cygni gets her first taste of blue sno-cone....

And of course, we had to take Jordy by the balloon twister
who made a blue tickle-sword for him. 
It soon rose in rank above the hammer,
and he prefers to hold it by its "business" end!


 What a good boy, sharing with his sister!

Kids and mom rocked out at the concert!
And one last treat for you, for which there are no words....


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