Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Some End of Summer Fun

I know that we have been too long away from the blog, but it is summer time and we have been busy!  The kids have been having lots of fun playing in the sun, be it in the backyard, the local pool or one of our many nearby parks.  We have to take advantage of these nice days while we can; autumn is just around the bend.  Lots of developments though!  As you can see from the video above, Jordy spells his name now!  He can recite, sign and recognize all of the letters in the alphabet and is starting to understand what the first letters of some words are.  One of his favourites is "L is for Lamp," it cracks him up!

Cygni meets a little boy at the splash park,
at first we thought she had her first crush, as she was very interested in him.
Turns out she just wanted to steal his binky!

Cygni got her first two teeth while we were on vacation in Oregon; one came on the 12th of July and the other on the 13th.  She hasn't had any new ones pop in yet, but we think some are on their way, as she has been a bit drooly recently.  She also started talking!  A couple of weeks ago she said and signed Daddy!  She can now also say/sign More, and we think she is trying to sign Jordan's name too!  We have been practicing walking back and forth from Mommy to Daddy, but she hasn't taken any steps without one hand hanging on yet, though she is doing a bit of cruising along the couch and has stood in one spot for several seconds unassisted.  She will be walking soon, we think!

We haven't yet found a good opportunity to go camping, but we are hoping to find a little time in September.  We decided to set up the tent anyway and have a backyard campout.  Jordy and Cygni loved playing in the tent, and later that night Mom made some s'mores in the oven for the boys to enjoy before they crept into the tent for the night.  Before Mommy went to bed she peeked out the window and she could still see the beam from the flashlight moving around in the tent, but Dad said they bunkered down for bed easily.  What fun!



Of course, no summer would feel complete without a trip to the fair at the PNE!  So we went last weekend and had a grand time!  Jordan was much happier on the rides than last year!  It was great to see his face light up as the ferris wheel started its revolution!
The Unroutine Poutine Crazy Dog!  Yum!
The West Coast Wheel
Cygni was fairly patient, other than about 15 minutes at the end of the SuperDogs show.  She liked watching all the people and rides.

Jordan waiting in line ...
worth it to see this face though!
Soon the Summer will be over and school will be starting up again for our little dude.  But not until we have at least one more adventure: Mommy's friend Jacquelyn and her new husband Brett are coming up for a visit next week!  We will be sure to share some pictures of what is certain to been a great time....  See you again in a couple of weeks!

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