Thursday, October 13, 2011


Some really fantastic baby gifties have been rolling in, thank you everyone for thinking of us! Everything is so... PINK! But it will be nice to not have to do too many loads of laundry, especially in the first little while. We are not having a shower this time around and lots of people have been enquiring, so I thought I would post a link to our Babies 'r' Us registry for folks who would like to give a gift, but aren't sure what. There isn't much we are missing, as we are re-using most of Jordy's baby gear, but with an extra vehicle and trying to keep Baby girl out of big brother's room until she is sleeping through the night, there are a few bits and bobs we're still in need of, you can have a look here:


or, for those of you who know me well, I don't always like to dress my kid the same as everyone else's so you could look here too:

Here are some pics of our fave pressies so far:

Our fab new stroller, with 16 possible combinations
for single or double use!  Love you, Nan!

Thanks Sarah, Chris & Ellie
(Mommy just loves the bum ruffles on the bloomers!)

And quite the haul from Big D & Judi...  Wow!

We also got a beautiful handmade blankie and lots of clothes from Jerry, Michelle & Baby Isabella, but I haven't taken photos of that bunch yet.  I am looking forward to putting all these pics into Baby Girl's scrapbook soon!  Once again, everyone, thanks!  We feel so fortunate to have such giving friends and family! 

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