Jordy finds a new use for the trick-r-treat bucket!
Hello everyone! It is a nasty rainy day here today! But I will take it and be glad that it isn't a week ago. I had another episode last Friday with the kidney pain (renal colic.) It was, of course, one of my biggest fears come true, as Chris was still in Redwood City for work and not due to arrive back in town til after 8 pm on Friday. I started out with some renal colic on the Thursday night around bedtime, took three Tylenols because it felt pretty strong, but when an hour later I felt exactly the same I took another two. I tried to sleep and woke up again an hour later from the pain and popped another three. I stopped there, because I was worried I was taking too many. And got some pretty rough sleep. I didn't want to call anyone because I kept hoping that it would go away, like it did that night a week before, and I just tried to focus on my breathing and positive thoughts.
Just having a look outside, Ma!
By the time Jordy woke up though, I realized I just couldn't manage my pain AND an energetic two-year old too, so I called the Drivers and told them not only was I in a whole lot of pain, but I was kinda scared, particularly should something happen to me, what to do with Jordan. They did their best to hurry over while I tried to get into contact with my doctor. Thankfully, the maternity centre I have been going to has the best receptionist on the planet (her name is Suzanne) and she found a way to help me out without making me go to the office, I do not think I could have managed this in my state, even had Mark driven me there. She got the doc to give me the OK to take some old Tylenol #3s I had languishing in the medicine cabinet (let this be a lesson to you all, hang on to leftover T3s!) and faxed a scrip for more to my local pharmacy (again - LOVE Suzanne,) which Mark happily drove to pick up for me (again - LOVE that guy!) and told me to hang loose while they tried to get a hold of the urologist to see if there was more to be done. I was able to snag some much needed naptime, while Jordy played obliviously with his Tia and Uncle, and during this time, Aida found the Thanksgiving turkey carcass and whipped up a turkey noodle soup for all of us (again - LOVE her!!!!)
The doc finally did get back to me and told me that they reviewed my ultrasound from last week and my pain today confirms that I DO have a kidney stone or stones. Basically, the only relief for me is to pass it/them and in the meantime I had to try to manage the pain with T3s, if it gets worse and unmanagable then I am to head to the ER, but the only next step is to put in a stent, and they want to avoid any kind of surgery in my pregnant state. I don't know if any of you have heard, but renal colic is on of the strongest pains people report! Still, once I got a couple more T3s in me, I didn't feel a thing except giddy and high, a state which prompted a half hour conversation between me and Mark about flatulence. Hey, I was hopped up on T3s, I don't know what his excuse is! The Drivers stayed with us until Chris got home, even though I was feeling much better.
Drinking from a big boy cup!
Since then, I have had only a couple of episodes which were painful even with the T3s, but not so painful that I couldn't handle it without a little extra help from Chris. Usually the T3s help me control it completely and there are even some days when I only need one pill all day. It's kind of off and on, but I am hopeful that I will pass the stone(s) soon and that it won't require any further intervention. The most worrisome thing is not having my husband around when this pain hits me, but we don't foresee any further instances of that for a few more months. I am grateful to have our dear friends, and I have a new appreciation for that man of mine too, and all that he does for me that I take for granted when he is here.
"Mommy's little deer," and "Daddy's little tweet-heart"
just arrived from Uncle Larry & Aunt Virginia! Thanks guys!
Cute Canucks gear from T-Kay! We love it!
All the lovely things from The Crawleys - Thank you!
(my fave is the party-coloured blankie!)
And even Jordy is ready with a new outfit from Mom for when Baby Sis arrives!
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