Monday, September 26, 2011

D-day: 15 November

So, after talking it over with my doctor, we have decided to go ahead with an elective C-section for the birth of our baby girl.  If you were following the blog during Jordy's birth, you might recall that though my water broke on it's own and I progressed very quickly in the first five or six hours or labour we stalled after that, baby Jordan's heart-rate became elevated and we dilated only another .5 cm in a ten hour period.  Then after the C-section was completed and I got a chance to chat with the OB she said that from what she could see she thought he would have been hard pressed (haha! that's ONE way of putting it...!)  to have come out on his own anyhow and she recommended if we didn't plan on having a big family to just opt for the section next time.  So we are.  And we've got a surgery date!  This ought to make my Dad happy, as he constantly pestered me last time about when the baby would be here.  November 15th should be the day we meet Baby Girl Dumaresq.  We haven't been given a time slot yet, and probably won't find that out until a few days before, but be forewarned, Grandpas out there, that if my water breaks beforehand, I am to be admitted for delivery, even if it isn't the 15th, so there are still no guarantees that her birthday will be the 15th.  We thought everyone would like to know this little bit of news though. 

We've been preparing for baby's arrival, cleaning up the house, decluttering, re-arranging furniture, hauling out Jordy's old infant stuff and beginning the outfitting of new baby items!  You'd be apalled to hear how much we dropped on a double stroller that will accomodate Jordan and his little sister; the figure just doesn't bear contemplating as it is probably more than the GDP of a small island country!  I am exaggerating of course!  It's a fabulous stroller though and we are sure we got the best bang for our buck and besides that, Nanny Mary chipped in and helped us to defray the cost a bit -- thanks Nana!  We're looking forward to seeing Nanny Mary in November, she is going to come out a short time before the baby arrives to help get us ready and look after Jordan while we are in hospital, a very kind gesture indeed, and of course there is the added perk for her of getting a look right away at her new grandchild!  It's going to be nice to have the added support, for sure.  Thanks again, Nana!

You may get a laugh out of our next little bit of news, if you recall that when we were pregnant with Jordan we won a big baby fair gift basket prize at the Vancouver Island Baby Fair.  Well, pregnancy definitely amps up my luck quotient, as we've won the draw for one of two (1 pink, 1 blue, I guess I hope we get the pink) Bellies to Babies Celebration gift baskets this time around!  The fair is on Sunday, so I will pick it up then.  I could only discern a few things from the picture, but a free gift, is a free gift and you can see the photo here: 

Bellies 2 Babies Gift Basket Prize

I love that I will be able to tell both kids that they were lucky in utero!

A tiny bit of news for Jordy too, he is eligible to attend the Deaf Children's Society pre-school at the age of 2 1/2, so we have decided to send him to pre-school part time starting after the December holidays.  Normally not blog-worthy til a bit later, but Ingrid told me that they've already got a locker for him with his name on it!

Awwww!  So soon?!

If you're interested, you can learn more about the DCS pre-school program here:

DCS pre-school

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