It's been a bust few weeks since our last blog post as we've all been recovering from a string of colds and stomach bugs that have gone through the house. We're learning the joys of having the Little Dumer in a daycare with a dozen other pathogen vectors.
Oh, if you can't already tell it's guest writer The Big Dumer writing this one as Mommy had to open her store an early 5am call for her!
One of the fun things that Jordy has been into lately is stacking things. A couple weeks ago he got into the soda water cans and tried stacking them. I was pretty impressed for a first effort:

Three...but looking a little wonky!

"I can do four Dad!"
"See, no problem!"
Well, actually, it fell...he didn't quite get the fourth one on there. But Mommy says he tried again a few days later and actually got the fourth one to stand! Hmm...could this be a sign of a future engineer?
The big event of February was a trip to Children's Hospital for a CT scan. We mentioned this a while back in the post about Jordan's genetic test results. His doctors recommended this as the next step in the investigation into his hearing loss since the genetic tests were inconclusive.
Dad was uncertain about this one. A CT scan involves a whack of x-rays directed at his head which is a low risk procedure...but it's not zero risk. Since he can't stay still himself he'd need to be put under general anaesthetic which itself is a non-zero risk. For people that are in a car accident and there is concern that they may have internal bleeding or a fractured skull then absolutely - the reward far outdoes the risk and the procedure makes sense. In this case we weren't so sure. Sure it may point into a direction of the cause of his hearing loss but...well, so what? Is would be nice to know, but it's not going to lead to an improvement in his hearing so it's all pretty academic. But in the end we deferred to the opinions of his doctors and bundled up the family for a trip to the hospital.
The first problem was that at 10pm the night before, Jordan developed a nasty cough. He didn't sleep very well due to the cough and you could tell that his throat was hurting him. When we got to the hospital and were seated in the surgical daycare his nurse heard the cough and immediately showed concern. She said that the the anaesthesiologist might not put him under! So the anaesthesiologist came by for a listen while they took his temperature, heart rate and listened to his lungs. Fortunately all other signs were normal...and he was only coughing every 10 minutes. So after confirming with the head anaesthesiologist they agreed to go ahead. Whew! Both Mommy and Daddy took the day off work and it would have been tough to re-schedule.
If only the gaping-hospital-gown-look was always this cute!

Jordy finds fun while waiting to go into CT
Jordan enjoys his first ever popsicle, post-anaesthesia!
The pictures above pretty much tell the story. He enjoyed playing with the toys and watching all the people in the hospital. The scan itself went well. Only one parent was allowed in so Mommy took Jordan while Daddy watched through the window. The team at Children's did a great job - they even had one person dedicated to blowing bubbles to keep Jordy distracted while they found a vein for the anaesthetic. This was the only rough part...they couldn't find a vein on one hand so they tried on the other. It took a few tries (his hands had the bruises to prove it) but they finally got it. There was no drowsiness - as soon as the needle was in, he was out.
From here, Mom and Dad went and got a snack at the coffee shop, and Mommy got Jordy a balloon. We had to be quick as they said we could meet him in the daycare in 20 minutes. We were surprised to find him completely alert and awake. They said it was a "light anaesthetic" and they were right. He received his first popsicle ever...which was great because Jordan had to fast since midnight the night before.
After the popsicle was done we packed up and headed home. He didn't show any ill-effects of the day and we quickly got him some food and juice. Once home he got to take a good long nap...and, of course, brought his balloon with him:
After a busy morning, our favourite little guy crashes, but still isn't willing to let go of his well-earned balloon....
We don't know when we will hear the results. If it's like the genetic tests it could be a while. We will be sure to let you know what we find out!
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