Saturday, July 17, 2010


Time for playin' in the pool!

At last, summer has decided to show it's face around these parts! The delay in sunshiney weather can be blamed on me; in early June I decided to beat the rush and buy one of those portable A/C units to keep us cool upstairs -- kind of an early Father's Day gift, but also something to help keep the Little Dumer comfy and sleeping through the night-- and sure enough, as soon as I did so it proceeded to be the coolest June in memory! This does make me think of Grandpa Cam; he used to say he could make it rain in the Sahara, all he had to do is wash his car! But I digress, I meant to make the point that last week it finally got warm enough to let Jordy try out the little kiddie pool we got him for his birthday, we really thought we'd have gotten a lot more mileage out of it before now! So one hot afternoon, I filled it up and got the boy into his trunks and plopped him in. Holy Hannah! Was he ever mad! It was a wee bit too cold for him, and I should have filled it earlier and let the water warm up a bit in the sun I suppose! Well, lesson learned! He eventually calmed down and enjoyed it!

Is she going to splash me with the cold, cold water again?!

One of Jordy's toy bugs! Wouldn't want to find a real one of these in the pool!

Here you can see his two bottom teeth! Speaking of teeth - another has come in! We have spotted upper left lateral incisor -- that's FOUR chompers!

Though it has been warm, most days are quite tolerable. We haven't had to spend a day camped out in front of the air conditioner yet. Jordan and I even had a beautiful afternoon at the park last Friday. We sat in the grass with a snack, I watched Jordan snooze a little, then when he woke up I put him in the swing -- his favourite -- and I blew bubbles for him and the other kids as he swung to his heart's content. It was such a pleasurable afternoon in such a simple way, I think it was the epitome of contentment for me, really. When we got home Jordan played a bit and I decided I just had to get a picture to share with you of his super-cute shoes with the Jolly-Rogers all over them!

This is a really fun age for us to be experiencing Jordy; everything he does is a wonder or comedic! Here is a video I took of him enjoying some music from The Wiggles TV show, I call it "Big Air Butt Stompin'":

He also learns things from daycare that are really cute too. When I went to pick him up one day it was getting pretty near on to closing time, so he was the last of the infant group to be picked up. I had passed Carson, the second to last baby and his mother on the way in, and when I mentioned it to Miss Jovita she said that Jordan had blown him kisses good-bye. Well, I had never seen this before! So later that night I told Daddy about it and this was the result:

Oh man! Couldn't you just eat him up with a side of whipped cream? Okay, I admit, there are times when I'd pass. On Friday when Ingrid came by, she did a follow-up of one of his development assessments and one of the questions was, "Does he ever exhibit willfully disobedient behaviour?" Um, yeah. He's really testing out our boundaries and patience. Jord's latest things are dropping food off the side of his high chair, and putting his hand in the toilet bowl. Both of which he likes to do while looking you in the eye after you have just said, "No." We do our best to not reward this behaviour with any exciting reactions, but he has gotten a little slap on the paw once or twice. In general though, he is still a happy little man, and usually very good.

Though we've missed a couple of Tuesday's worth of the Sign of the Week, I only have one to post for you, "Bread:"

The folks at Signing Time must be on holidays!

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