Friday, April 16, 2010

Photo Phrenzy

Hello again, Gentle Reader!

I wanted to share more ASL goodies for those who are interested in learning a bit of sign language. The company that makes the very popular Signing Time DVDs has an e-newsletter we subscribe to and they have recently started a "Sign of the Week." I will start sharing those links as I get them with you, and you can learn at a very easy pace if you are so inclined. I'll also put add them to our "Fun Links" on the sidebar on the left. This week, the sign to learn is "socks."

Speaking of our sidebar... I am wondering if some of you even know what I am talking about! Some of our readers get a notification via e-mail when a new post is up, but please don't just read the e-mail, come to our blog page because often there are things up that cannot be viewed on the e-mail. We recently had a teething poll and only 3 people participated! There is a lot of extra fun to be had, add us to your "Favourites!"

Believe it or not I was ready to upload photos the day before yesterday, but for some reason the upload kept failing. Finally got it to work today, and discovered that in three days I had over 75 pictures to upload! And that is after deleting the really bad, poorly focused ones. Here are some of my faves:

It was a gorgeous sunny day today so we had to get out!
This is the little nugget laughing up at me through the window
in the stroller canopy! What a silly boo!

At the park behind our complex -
don't you love his Beatles shirt and tiny Cons!!?

Orval & Sandy were dog-sitting for a friend for a few days
so I took Jordy over to meet a doggie up close for the first time
Jordan greeting Molly (she's a "cocka-poo")

Yogurt & berries - aren't there any MORE, Mommy?!

Here he is all rosy and freshly napped giving me his come-hither look!

More Easter goodies arrived in the mail from... Guess Who??
Thanks G-ma & G-pa!

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