I know, I know.... I have been derelict in my blogging! I am super busy these days with so many things, not the least of which is prepping Jordan to start daycare tomorrow. Yes, you read that correctly, tomorrow! In fact, technically he starts TODAY as the clock reads 12:32 am as I draft this! So, yes, I am going to take a crack at being a store manager again at the end of May when my maternity/parental leave expires. I have already contacted my former manager so he can get me on the board for a store nearby. I am not sure how it will go, as I have loved being a full-time Mom to Jordy and I do have concerns about how we are going to meet all of his hard-of-hearing needs with 40 fewer hours to throw at them, but I am willing to dip my toes in the water at any rate. Chris and I decided this only a couple of weeks ago. I had gone to dinner with some of my old Starbucks crew and one of my former baristas is now working for her mother's brand new daycare centre very close to where we live. Of course I started asking questions and next thing I knew we were signing up! The place is called Bright Start Children's Academy, you can check out their website here:
http://www.brightstart.ca/. As I said, it is a brand new facility and it is very nice inside. Not long after I made enquiries, a spot came open for Mondays and we decided to take it to get our "foot in the door," a strategy which has worked so far, as last week they offered us Thursdays as well once May begins. We are hoping for at least one more day to come available. We have been transitioning Jordan into the place, stopping by for a couple of hours nearly every day in the last two weeks to get him used to the people and the room he'll be in. I even left him for the better part of an hour last Tuesday and he didn't cry for me at all. So, I am optimistic that he will do well. I know he enjoys seeing other kids and playing with the different toys, is that enough to take away a longing for Mommy? Sure it is! I've been told of course that it is probably going to be harder on me than it will be on him, and I will probably fret for a while after I drop him off, who knows I may even cry a bit, but then I will take a nice leisurely nap and then try to get some REAL housework done around here!
We call this his Godfather look, "Fredo!"
SCREW My First St. Patrick's Day!
What else is new? We have had to lower the crib mattress, as Jordan pulled himself to stand last week. He has a harder time getting into standing position now that the mattress is lower but I have now doubt that he will figure it out soon enough. Out of bed, he attempts to pull himself up using whoever happens to be sitting on the floor with him now, but usually will only manage to stretch out the neck of your shirt unless you help him out. I foresee cruising in the very near future.
Look what Daddy came around the corner and saw!
We had some of our favourite people, the Weir Family come stay with us two weeks ago, and wouldn't you know, the one night we have a house full of guests we can't help but wreck their sleep because Jordan got his first fever that night! It had been a busy day, even before our friends arrived, but following his afternoon nap Jordan just wasn't himself and Daddy noticed he was absolutely smokin' hot. Sure enough he was feverish, and his energy started to drop. Around bedtime we got him cool again, nearly to normal temp and he napped and nursed. And right around 1 am he's fever spiked and he puked all that milk back up and on to me! Well, everyone knows a good ol' puke is good for what ails you and after that and a quick duck into a lukewarm shower to rinse off the yuck he normalized and slept better. He wasn't quite right for several days after, but he showed no other signs of illness. We think he ate something bad or caught some weird stomach flu. But thank goodness that is over now and our happy kiddo is right as rain again!
High Five!
Jordan gives Daddy Five!
The Outtake. lol.
I know this sounds a bit stilted, I am sorry. There is so much I had on my list to write about, but I've trimmed a lot out as it is getting late and tomorrow is a big day! I've got the important stuff in, and will try to get some of the other items into more frequent future blogs. Hey! I'm going to have Mondays off soon, plenty of time for blogging! At least 'til work starts up, then I have no idea when I'll get round to it! Anyhow, I'd better go for now.
Oh, one more thing: No teeth yet!
1 comment:
WOW!!! So much is going on!! We definitely have to chat soon...
PS I love the outtake video!
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