Monday, November 2, 2015

Oregon Odyssey

I hope you're prepared, that tongue of Jordan's makes several appearances in this post.  
It's one of his latest things: tongue out in photos! 

So, you thought we wouldn't make it out to Oregon, this year, did ya?
Well, you were nearly right.  The summer was packed.  But we decided that we could squeeze one in during October, an also fulfill Chris' dream to attend the Portland Retro Gaming Expo.  It meant making the call for the kids to miss school for one week, but we decided that the visit to family and friends was worth it.

The kids were pretty good for the ride down.  Although shaving 2 hours off the usual trip by stopping in Portland rather than Eugene made the drive seem amazingly short!  Here they are in IHOP showing off their Scary Face Pancakes.

We arrived in Portland on Friday night, and Chris queued up for early entry on Saturday morning.  Take a look at the sales floor below. Dad did a lot of walking that day and scored several great finds!

While dad got his retro-game on, it was up to me to keep the kids occupied all day.  So we visited the breakfast room of the hotel and charged up.  Then we made the jaunt to Voodoo2 for some Classic weirdo Portland Voodoo Doughnuts.  Jordy went for the Dubble-Bubble (because his other latest thing has been gum,) and Cygni followed suit.

Before the wheels fell off, 
Jordy sits and plinks out a few notes on a Pop Up Piano at the Portland Children's Museum
Cygni is unimpressed. 

When planning our outing for the day, I offered up a few options: Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI,) The Portland Zoo or The Children's Museum.  When Jordy heard we would have to DO something, he declared that he would rather not, that he wanted to stay at the hotel and swim or play on his iPad.  I bribed him with a deal that we could do doughnuts first then we would head out, and Jordan would get to choose where.  He chose the Children's Museum.  But I realise now that this was just an appeasement tactic because once we got into the car following the doughnut run he just dug his heels in, essentially until we got back to the hotel room.

It's too bad, because the Children's Museum looks like a lot of fun.  Cygni was having a grand time, and I think could have stayed most of the day.  But everywhere we went, J-dawg cried, whined clung to me in the most hampering fashion, refused to DO anything, and refused to let me help Cygni do anything.  He generally crushed any and all fun Cygni and I tried to make.  You know you're in a bad situation when other parents feel the need to offer you words of encouragement.  One Dad approached me and said, "I've been where you are, and I just wanted to say you are doing great!"  Thank you fellow parent!  I basically stayed long enough to feel that the $36 USD I spent to get in wasn't a complete waste.  We saw about three exhibits and were there for about an hour.  But I think it is important to know when I am beat.  No efforts to get his attention and engage him worked.  I was reduced to offering him two choices when his frustration would crest: To 1 - Stop, Stay and have fun OR 2 - To Stop, and sit quietly to the side with me while Cygni played.  He always chose the second option, but he was never quiet about it.

After our attempted outing, we met Dad for lunch at Red Robin, across from our accomodations. Then we went back to have an afternoon at the hotel.  And they were both sweet as can be after that:

Saturday was not a wholly unpleasant experience for me.  In the past, I may have held onto a grudge-like frustration with Jordy for the remainder of the day or even the whole trip, resentful at his ability to ruin what most children would have made into a fun and perhaps, dare a mother hope, an educational experience.  Somehow I managed to find it in me to give what I reasonably could to Cygni and also to understand and accept when Jordan was no longer to be budged.  Will he get "his way" in all things?  Of course not, I chose my battle this time.  It's OK.  Having released those hard feelings to go out into the ether allowed me to snap the heart-melting moment above and to enjoy our evening of swimming before bedtime.  We actually swam both nights at the hotel, and Jordan made a major breakthrough while we were there.  He voluntarily submerged his head, and he did so long enough to count how many fingers Dad or I held up under the water, several times!  It was quite the game!  And we are so proud of Jordan.  In my opinion, this fear of being submerged has been a factor that has held him back from complete swimming lesson success.  We think he is going to do very well during Winter lessons this January.

On Sunday we met our good friends the Wier Family at Get Air in Eugene to help celebrate their Son, Hayden's eighth bithday.  The kids enjoyed themselves.  I got some pictures of Jordy too, but they didn't turn out as well as these of Cygni, which aren't even all that clear themselves.

It was lovely to be warmly welcomed into Stu and Tina's home as always, It's like our own home away from home.  We got this great shot of us with Papa Larry and Auntie Virginia but neglected to get one of us with Stu, Tina and Evan!  Silly me!

Me with my friend Suz and some of the kiddos.  I'm not totally sure: 
Is Cygni pulling Chloe's hair in this photo or 
is it a coincidence that Chloe's hair is flying just at the moment Cygni put her arm up?  
I keep flip-flopping on this.  You decide!

 Thumbs up, for yummy Pizza.  Jordan earned his pizza - look at the rosy face from playing on the indoor gym at Putters!

 Us with Bonnie and Joey who always make time for us!


Kicking back with Auntie Tina!

The Leatons have been very busy for weeks, and lots of Auntie Tina's tomatoes were falling off the vine and rotting away,  So Cygni and I picked and washed as many good ones for her as we could . Cygni also sampled a few.  She LOVES tomatoes!

My first time seeing my ex-roomate and maid-of-honour Dianne since before Jordy was born!  
It was a lovely visit!

Cygni meets the last of the pets Deb knew when she lived at her folks' house on Elmira Road, Pasha!
She always was an ornery ol' kitty cat, but we think it's kept her alive!

The last two visits we have missed getting to sit down for a visit with Uncle Tommy.  But this time he was there and the Little Dumers just adore him!  He played WiiU with Jordy and won Cygni over with tickles.  Cygni says, "Uncle Tommy tickled me a LOT!"

"Tickle me 100 times!"

And of course, the kids enjoyed Grandpa and Lola Nitzie. It probably doesn't hut their opinions that they got spoiled rotten with candy, sweets and gifts while they were there! They are both looking forward to visiting their Oregon Grandfolks again.  

Me with Tricia at a "weird-ass punk show" at Ol' Nicks.  Her words.
She's dressed up as a Roy Lichtenstein inspired girl.  I'm dressed as myself.

The kids loved hanging out with Tricia, mostly because she is a kid at heart. The photo above made her laugh heartily, she says it's the best photo ever.  She and the kids were "being ghosts" at Cygni's suggestion.

Oh and she is also one of mine and Chris' favourite people on the planet!

 Of course, speaking of favourite people: a visit to Eugene would be incomplete without a visit to see the Schmidt Family!  I didn't get any good pics from this stop.  So I stole a few from Crysal.  Look at how big these boys are now!  I was there in the delivery room for Logan (on the right) and remember when he was no bigger than my forearm!  And just look at him now... where does the time go?

We also got to see our Hayle-girl briefly before she had to head to work.  And though I don't have any good photos, the kids seemed to gravitate to Momma Crystal even if they didn't really trust her when she said her doggy Penny was not going to hurt them at all.

I was bound and determined to get some educational value from this trip, seeing as we pulled the kids out of school to make it.  As it turned out, Jordy's class was talking about where food comes from.  So, after saying good-bye to Eugene, I thought we would take an opportunity to spend a day near Tillamook which is famous for its cheese and other dairy products.  The kids got to see the trimming and packaging and the huge vats where the milk is stored until it's ready to be processed.

Cheese on belts is fine and all, but the part they both liked best, and I can't argue with 'em, was eating fresh Tillamook creamery ice cream!

After the visit to the cheese factory, we headed for our hotel to putter around and wind down.  Check out the view from our balcony at the Terimore Hotel in Netarts!

A little time spent on the Oregon Coast is a cherry on top of any Oregon visit.

Look out Chris, that's the tide coming in!

I picked up these Daniel Boone Hats for the kids but you can see who got the most kick out of them. Are they Daniel Boone hats or Davey Crockett hats?  
Either way, probably historically inaccurate....  'coonskin caps?  
Bottom line: Fun.

And one last stop at Three Arches before a scenic drive through the Tillamook State Forest in all its autumn splendour before hopping onto the highway for home.

Thank you Oregonian friends and family!
See you again in another year, we hope.

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