Wednesday, November 5, 2014

End of October and Early November

About a week before Halloween, I went with the kids to CHSC's annual visit to Richmond Country Farms Pumpkin Patch.  The weather held off and it stayed dry just long enough for us to choose a few pumpkins.  Jordy and Cygni both went for green pumpkins this year, which left me feeling obliged to pick an orange one!

 A few days before Halloween, we set to carving our chosen pumpkins.  Jordan was very good at scooping out the seeds, and happily emptied out everyone else's pumpkin.  He claims it was stinky.  Cygni worked on her tiny pumpkin though and she had a pretty good time.  Jordan actually got to cut out his jack-o-lantern, after telling me he wanted a happy face drawn on.  Dad helped him with the sharp little saw.

 On the 30th we went trick-or-treating at Dad's work again.  We always have fun with this!  The kids got lots of positive comments for their costumes, Thing 1 and Thing 2 from beloved children's book The Cat In The Hat.  They actually chose their costumes themselves, and it was an easy job to make them.

 Then on Friday we invited Cousin Isabella and Nolan and our neighbours' kids Daniel and Bianca to knock on doors with us for trick-or-treat.  This squad of kids was a lot of fun to watch, Isabella nearly always was the first to the door, with Nolan and Jordan hot on her heels and Cygni was always bringing up the rear,  Poor baby sister!

 So happy to trick-or-treat!

 What kind of parents take their kid to her first dentist visit on the day after Halloween?  We do, apparently!  But she did great!  In fact, she was so cooperative that the hygienist decided to go for a teeth polishing, and Cygni was a trooper.  She dug her heels in at getting an x-ray though. No cavities!  Not a single tear until Dr. Chin put some flouride on her teeth two seconds before we were supposed to leave.  I guess the flavour was a bit too strong for her, next time we will choose a more subtle taste.  We were very proud of her being so brave for her first dentist visit!

And of course, our brave baby girl turned THREE today!  There will be more celebration to come this weekend, and we will definitely share photos.  But for today we had a birthday muffin this morning, dinner out and an ice cream cake tonight.  Happy Birthday, darling girl!

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