Monday, April 30, 2012

Birthday Parties and Other Fun

This weekend we attended Cousin Isabella's 1st Birthday Party.  We had a lot of fun!  In fact, when Jordy saw the photos we took at the party he said and signed, "Birthday party, fun!"  Jordy now says his friends' names: Isabella is "Lella" and Nolan is "Noey."

Om nom noms!

Guess who took a swipe at the frosting....

Daddy reads to Cygni

Rockin' a party hat!

Below are some photos that Preschool sent home with Jordy:

 Having fun at Gym Time with his buddy Ano

That is one of the signs for Pineapple

Jordan wearing the Special Helper Badge.  When you are the Special Helper, you get to help cut up the fruit for snack time and head up the line, among other things.

Baby Sister has started on solid foods.  First thing we tried was some rice cereal; it didn't really go over so well.  Once Mommy tried some sweet potatoes she was a little more willing.  We've tried carrots, prunes and oat cereal by now too, and she is starting to get the hang of it.  Right now she is only having a meal at dinner time, but once we've expanded her repertoire we'll branch out to lunch and brekkie too.

sweet potatoe 'stache

Sad to say, our Canucks were elimated in the first round of the playoffs this year.  At first we thought that in a fit of despair our little girl went and got another team's logo tattooed on her arm, but we later discovered it was just one of Jordy's potty reward stickers.  Hm, I wonder how it got there....

 We love this kid!

Last week our friend, and sometimes babysitter, Eryn came by to visit and she brought FINGERPAINTS for J-man!   This photo about sums it up:

He even got it on the bottom of his feet!  Wow.

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