Sunday, March 18, 2012

All aboard the Potty Train!

So, as you can see from our last post, we've been potty training Jordy for about two weeks now. We started rather impetuously after learning that the DCS pre-school would be affected by the BC Teachers Federation 3-day walkout. While our teachers weren't on strike, the class still operates out of a public chool and would therefore have to cancel until teachers got back to work. So with four days of Jordan at home we thought we'd take a crack at it. Now, it is rather unlike us to go attempt such an endeavor without loads of prior research, but the little guy was curious about the potty, knew the terminology, loved the videos, asked us to read the books, and gave us all the other traditional readiness signs; we thought it was time. We went cold turkey from Pull-Ups to underwear. A few hours after posting our intentions and initial results on Facebook, an old school friend of Mommy's sent us a PDF of Lora Jensen's 3 Day Potty method and after reading it we thought it made sense to try. Now, this method is meant to be used for kids at 22 months of age, not for a battled hardened warrior like Jordy. Needless to say, we thought 3 days was a bit ambitious, but we liked the technique so we adopted it. We'll spare you too many details, but we are pleased with our progress. Jordan now signs/says when he wants to go potty almost every time, he's had a couple of accidents this week, but really, Daddy thinks they were not so much accidents as Jordy demonstrating his rebellious side. The real difficulty at the moment is nighttime.  He always wakes up wet.  So we're trying to figure that one out.  We have yet to take him out anywhere other than daycare or pre-school, we may try that today, and will be sure to pack some extra undies and pants!

Many of you know that Mommy and Daddy celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary last night, and we had to find a way to celebrate.  Not the easiest thing to do with a 4 month old at home still nursing, and unwilling to take a bottle!  It was a bit disappointing that we were unable to do something spectacular to mark 10 years together like a weekend getaway, but Chris pointed out that not every anniversary needs to be celebrated on the exact date, we still have time this year to do something with a little WOW.  We got our sitter to come out and we went for a very nice dinner at Saint Street Grill, a restaurant we had driven by countless times and had heard good things about but never experienced til last night.  We had the beef carpaccio, an adventurous appetizer which neither of us had ever had the courage to taste and then toasted to, "Ten years and still trying new things."  Dinner and dessert were fantastic.  And when we got home three hours after leaving, we learned the kids were, as always, fine for Yasmin, even though they put on a good show for us when we left.  She posted this photo to Facebook, which outs Jordan as a liar:

Look at those smiles!

It was a great night, and our intelligent, grown-up, uninterrupted conversations last night highlighted that we are happy with our life together with two beautiful children and loads of adventures behind us as well as waiting ahead.  We're pretty excited. 

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