Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Til we meet again, Nanny!

Oh the thumb-sucker's thumb
May look wrinkled and wet
And withered, and white as the snow,
But the taste of a thumb
Is the sweetest taste yet
(as only we thumb-suckers know.)

-Shel Silverstein

Well, she was here for five weeks, but it hardly seems like any time at all, now that Nanny has returned home to Newfoundland!  We are missing her already!  It was so nice to have her to help out and sooth the children or tidy up after them for five weeks.  And Mommy and Daddy even got to go out to see a movie, and had dinner out on two occasions!  Thank you for everything you did while you were here and continue to do for us even while you're far away, Nanny.  We hope you feel our appreciation, because we feel so lucky to have you!  We all miss Nanny to be sure, but we think her little man Jordy misses her most.  He really enjoyed having Nan around to wrap about his little finger and though he said good-bye to her at the airport he does still ask for her sometimes.  Hopefully, you had a good time too, Mary, though we are sure you will not be getting the soundtrack to The Wiggles "Let's Eat" DVD out of your head any time soon, so you'll have that to remember us by!

Just about the time Nanny came to visit we started getting sick around here (poor Nanny!) and haven't had a break since.  We can hardly tell when one illness is ending and another begins, though now Mommy theorises that we are currently all trying to get over colds.  Last week Jordy was sick enough to miss all of pre-school and daycare after Monday, and he is cashing in on all his Valentines this week!  Check out the video below of Dad trying to comfort both his sickies:

We may still be fighting off minor bugs, but we are all feeling better for the most part.  In fact, Jordy may be feeling well enough to try the P-O-T-T-Y!  I came home from picking up take out on Saturday and Chris said when he hadn't heard any noise from the boy in a while he went to go check on him and he was sitting on the potty with his pants pulled down.  Now, he still had on his diaper, but this is a huge step in the right direction!  Daddy offered to pull his diaper down for him and then quickly left so that Jordy could have some privacy, which seems to be somewhat important to Jordo right now.  Alas, there was nothing in the potty when Chris checked later and found him on the guest bed with his diaper and pants pulled 3/4 of the way up, but we are cheered by this development!  He even deigned to wear his big boy underwear the rest of the evening.  Huzzah! 

Whoa!  Is it The Thunder from Down Under? 
Naw, just Jordy trying on Baby Sister's headband - J-man style!

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