Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow and such

 No, that's not the next Harry Potter, just a toddler who got a hold of a sharpie.

 Happy Baby Girl!

It's been a busy time since New Year's Eve at the Dumaresq household. Trying to get over the Holiday season with Dad back at work and two kidlets can keep a Mom pretty busy. Fortunately, Nanny Mary arrived on the twelfth and has been a huge help with both the household day to day stuff and the kids. We've been enjoying the snow, and Jordy has been out to play in it nearly every day. We'll probably get another dump this weekend too!

 One day, after swimming, these guys passed out on the couch

It's exhausting playing with a baby!

 Nanny meets Cygni in person for the first time!

Check out the video below of Jordy shooting hoops,
watch what he does when he sinks one:

Snow time fun for everyone!

On Nanny's first weekend in town, we invited Jerry and Michelle over with their baby girl Isabella.  Jerry is Chris' cousin and Mary's nephew.  Take a gander at these cute photos of all the kids together!  Baby 'Bella has a blog that we follow too!  Have a look here if you like.

In other news, Jordy started at the DCS pre-school just after the New Year.  The first few sessions he attended with Dad, just to ensure he was comfortable.  He still clings a bit and tries to get Dad to stay but, eventually he settles down and has a good time.  Some of his favourite activities are gym and story time!  We are proud to announce also, that Jordy now has a sign name!  It was given to him by one of his pre-school teachers (who is also our ASL mentor,) Maggie.  She was conferring about it one day with Janice Springford, the DCS director who has known Jordy since he was mere weeks old, and she mentioned that she always loved his squeez-a-licious cheeks, and Maggie jumped on that saying she was also considering some kind of name to highlight that too (sign names are often given based on a physical or personality trait,) and so his sign name was chosen, Mom demonstrates below:

And last night, of course, we celebrated Daddy's birthday! Mommy and Daddy got to go out on a date for the first time since Cygni arrived, because Nan was kind enough to look after the kiddos. We love our family, but it sure was nice to eat a meal in peace, at our leisure, and chat and hold hands and enjoy a glass of wine.

Mmmm, cake!


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