Friday, November 18, 2011

Two weeks, really?!

It's been a busy time since we brought baby home! Not only are we readjusting to having a newborn in the house once again, we're also trying to be very conscientious about our treatment of Jordan and ensuring that he feels included and loved as much as ever. Cygni, we don't really worry about too much; she eats like a champ, is regular and does all the newborn things. But we really try to keep Jordy engaged and in as regular a routine as possible. He has taken well to his sister, giving her kisses and snuggles frequently, and even asking to hold her every so often.  But he has started to wake up in the middle of the night on a fairly regular basis, crying.  The first time he did it, I cried after Chris came back from comforting him.  I asked if he was okay and Chris said yes, that he gave Jordy a snuggle, told him he loved him and that he was a good boy.  I guess I just worry that he is having some horrible dream that we are giving him away or something.  Still, other than the night-waking he seems to be adjusting relatively well, and even when he does wake up, he bunkers back down easily once one of us goes in to check on him. 

Since we have brought his baby sister home, Jordan seems to have taken on his role as Big Brother with gusto!  He is suddenly a little chatterbox!  He started saying his own name, finally!  As well as lots of other new words.  Seems like he tries out a new word every day.  Today's was, "french fries."

We can hardly believe it has been two weeks since our little Cygni was born.  I'll tell you this much, she is an eating machine!  Sometimes it is downright exhausting for me.  But the good news is she is healthy and putting on weight.  Everyone warned us that no two babes are alike, but we are really noticing the difference.  Not only does she not look a whole lot like Jordan (we think she may have gotten the Dumaresq genes, and may really take after Cam's side of the family in looks,) but she definitely has a different kind of personality.  She is very demanding; when she cries because she is hungry, she does so with what sounds like indignation!  As if I didn't just feed her five minutes before!  She is an instant gratification kind of girl; Chris says she gets that from me.  LOL.  She usually has a quiet / sleepy time of day around Noon to 2 or so, but she loves to feed in the afternoons and evenings, sometimes it seems for hours at a time.  She also hates to have her diaper changed, and I do not recall Jordy minding too much at all.  She is also a cuddler, she loves to be held and snuggled on your chest, which is sweet unless Mommy wants to go to sleep!  We have a very hard time persuading her to let us put her down in her basinette.  Still, we think she is awfully cute and we look forward to watching her grow.

It's been doubly crazy around here, because we are renovating our kitchen right now.  Yes we know, we must be out of our minds!  But originally we had anticipated that the renovations would be done before baby girl came along and don't forget, she arrived early!  We have no kitchen/appliances at the moment and as of Friday morning our living room is full of boxes of kitchen cabinets awaiting installation this Monday.  So we are eating a lot of take-out and living in the second level of our house.  Still, we are excited for our new kitchen, it is going to look great when it is all done.  Things should get 80% back to normal by end of day Monday, as that is when the cabinet and appliance installation will be complete, and then all we will need to wait for is our countertop and backsplash installation.  But even without those we will be able to use our living room, dining room, and to cook some meals.

What our kitchen looked like yesterday.
Not much different today, except all the walls are primed for painting now.

As fate would have it, Nanny Mary did not come out for Cygni's birth.  She was just about ready to buy her airline tickets when Chris and I talked her into staying home.  It turns out that one of her sisters, Chris' Aunt Kitty, was recently diagnosed with Lung cancer, and then the week Cygni arrived, she also discovered that the cancer had matasticised to her brain.  We knew Mary would want to be nearby to offer her support to her sister while she is seeking treatment, so she's going to try to come out and visit in the New Year instead.  We hope for the best for you, Aunt Kitty! 

Fortunately, even though Nanny Mary couldn't be here, we had our dear neighbours, Orval and Sandy Cosby, and our best friends Mark and Aida to lean on during the hectic time that Cygni arrived.  We called up both couples around 4 am, shortly after my water broke and the contractions started, and arranged for Sandy to come mind the baby monitor while Jordy slept, until the Drivers arrived to look after our favourite little guy for the next three days.  There aren't many people in our lives that we can call at that hour to get dressed and come over to help us out and we want to say Thank You to them again on our blog.  We love you all!

It's been great having Chris home to help out, particularly with the renos going on, and we are very thankful for three days of daycare each week!  Between having visitors over and everything else we are trying to accomplish, not to mention trying to catch up on sleep and Chris and Jordy fighting colds, the last two weeks have just blown past us!  I am sad to think Chris has to go back to work next week.  Things are going to continue to be chaotic with the wrap up of renos and Christmas fast approaching, so don't be surprised if the blog posts become few and far between.  We are going to try to at least post the occasional photos, but we've got a holiday slideshow to create for the grandparents and a house to decorate, plus Christmas cards and birth announcements to post, not to mention all the other holiday things we want to do for Jordan.  It will be interesting to see if we can get him into his own pair of skates for Christmas Eve skating this year....

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