Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trick or Treating at EA Burnaby

Daddy's work frequently puts on cool family events like one we went to today, the Trick or Treat at EA's Burnaby campus.  We decided to go, and give Jordy a little practice run before Halloween on Monday.  It took a little while but he eventually got it.  For a while afterwards he was signing "Tree" a lot, it took me a couple of hours, but I figured out he thought we were saying "Trick or Tree," or something like it!  What a funny guy.  At one point he pulled out his HA's (it was pretty noisy) and dad commented, "Oh, he's decided to break communication with CapCom!  We also got to see lots of cute kiddie costumes!  One of my favourites was a home-made one where a kid dressed as an army guy in a tank.  Anyhow, check out the picks, you'll get a sneak look at our Family Halloween Costume theme this year, yes Daddy has a NASA flight suit too!  I can't wait to get a photo of all of us together, but that will have to keep until All Hallow's Eve!

Signing "candy."

He decided he just had to plunk himself down
in the middle of the walkway to have a chocolate.

Right about here it all clicks! 

Here he is signing "thank you."

Checking out the loot! 

There's my "costume," I painted the moon on my belly!

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