It is finally official, Jordan's first word is... Dada! Followed by Mama VERY shortly afterwards! So, the honest truth is a week ago, after a nice Pho dinner, we went into Chapters to look at the books and Jordy was with us. We were all playing with the trains in the children's area and having a grand time, but after a while Chris stood up and walked to one of the bookshelves and Jordan looked at his retreating back and said,
Daaaad-a. BUT it happened so quickly and unexpectedly I was not completely sure I had heard it right. And when we tried to encourage him to do it again he patently refused. But this only meant Chris was determined to work on the little guy. So Dad and son would stop in the stairwell every day and look at the photo of Mommy and Jordy and Chris would ask, "Who's that?" and sure enough it wasn't long before the Little Dumer said, "Ma-ma" and when he pointed to the photo of Daddy and Jordan and asked who was in the picture, Jordan stated, "Da-da!" Of course I couldn't believe this until I heard it for myself. This Friday I asked Jordan if he wanted to come see Mommy and he reached up for me and said, "Ma-ma!" However, one had better be paying attention, because he will not repeat himself! Jordan is making it very plain that he is no show-pony!
In other exciting news, we have sightings of tooth number three! His lower-left, central incisor is in... no stopping those chompers from coming in now!
Chris pointed out today that The Little Dumer News has had its 2,000th hit! Unfortunately, most of those views were by G-ma and G-pa and Mom and Dad, probably, but still, that is a lot of times folks have clicked on our blog site!
Jordan playing with his xylophone, he can really whack that thing pretty good! He has gotten better at making a nice clear ringing sound (as opposed to a thunk
,) now he just needs to work on melody...
Yup, Jordy is a Daddy; he loves his baby!
He loves doin' this!
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