Monday, February 1, 2010

Fun weekend for photos

With Jordan growing like a weed, we picked up the next level of carseat several days ago.
The very well-reviewed Britax Marathon, in "cowmooflage."
Then were pleasantly surprised this weekend when Nanny said she'd pick up the tab for this expense!
Wow! Thank you Nanny Mary!
(Smokey, of course, had to check it out!)

Guess he's leaving the Cantina Band and trying out for Devo!

Look who wants some of Daddy's cookies... nom noms...

...Jordan's Cookie Face...

...YAY! All GONE!

Jordy was getting a little rowdy
while I was preparing dinner for seven on Saturday evening,
so I gave him a rib of celery to gnaw on and perhaps keep him occupied.
Hilarity ensued:

And finally, Mommy loves brushing the meager hairs
on the Little Dumer's head into a faux-hawk,
and he was laughing a lot tonight, looking super cute, so I snapped a few pics to post.

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