Monday, May 2, 2016

A Big Weekend for Jordan

Hey everyone!  Before I share details about Jordy's amazing weekend with you, a little update to the ear tubes procedure results.  As I promised at the end of the last blog post, Ning did do some follow-up testing. Sad to say, his hearing is as bad as ever in that right ear.  She recommends making another appointment with the ENT we have been working with in order to investigate further.  Disappointing, but what can we do other than roll with it?  I will be calling this week.

On to fun news!

Something weird is going on with Blogger, and I can't embed my YouTube vids, so click on this link to see a Video of Jordy's Wiggly Tooth.

 Jordan has had a wiggly tooth since just before the ear tube procedure, and it finally came out on Friday while I was at work!  Dad asked him during tooth-brushing time if he wanted to pull it out and he shrank back and said no, (I imagine much like he did in the video above from a week ago.)   But then Chris said, "Come on buddy, that thing is ready.  Be a big boy and pull it out."  And... he did! It didn't hurt and he didn't cry.  At least not until he tasted blood in his mouth!  But then dad had him staunch the flow and all was well.  The tooth fairy must be experiencing excellent year-over-year growth, because Jordan made out nicely, receiving a Star Wars action figure (Commander Hux) and $5. It's a great time to be a kid, man!

And as if that wasn't exciting enough, Jordy learned to ride his bike without training wheels today!  And when I say he learned today, I mean, we took off his training wheels today and he is now riding without them!

So the last few times the kids have been out riding bikes with their neighbour friends, Jordan has expressed a desire to ride sans training wheels, probably because his buddy Daniel has been.  Chris and I both were like, ok, sure, one of these days soon we will take them off.  Well, Nanny said she wanted to buy Jordy a new bike for his birthday, and I took J-man to look at them last Friday during his pro-d day off school.  Turns out Cap's Bicycle's had one last one in stock that would be perfect for him AND it was on sale!  Yup. I bought it.  Cue the dark looks from Chris.

On his old bike without training wheels this morning before he schooled us ALL

I picked it up on Saturday and Chris asks me, "well, do I put training wheels on it?"

To which I reply, "Yeah, he doesn't know how to ride without training wheels yet!" Duh.

 The kids went to a birthday party on Saturday night, so while we were out Chris put on the training wheels and then Jordy only rode it a few minutes that day since we got home so close to bedtime.

As I said, something weird is going on with Blogger, and I can't embed my YouTube vids, so click on this link to see a video of Jordan riding without training wheels

The next day he said he wanted to try his old blue bike since the training wheels were now off and Dad took a turn running next to him to take a crack at it, and it was impressive, he went about 6 feet before losing his balance and putting his feet down.  Then I had a go and he went 10 feet, then thirty feet.  Chris and I were chattering about getting him some knee and elbow pads to help him through this, because he was definitely going to fall.....  nope no need, because if we held the seat for him to keep it still while he got going on the pedals he was fine, and by fine I mean he was riding all over the complex!

For an hour or so, I tried showing him how to get started on his own and he struggled.  Chris came out and I said, "He's nearly there, but he might struggle for a while with getting going on his own."

And I was right.  If by "a while" I had actually meant another 20 minutes.

He just amazes me.  When Jordan is motivated, I swear that he can accomplish anything.  What a guy.

And here he is on his hot-rod new Trek bike from Nanny!  
I forgot to get one of him riding it without training wheels, look for it next time!

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