Sunday, September 9, 2012

Texas Comes to BC


Last week we welcomed Mommy's long-time childhood friend Jacquelyn and her new husband, Brett for their first visit to Canada!  We had a lot of fun, and the kids accompanied us on nearly all of our adventures!  The first couple of days were easy, starting out with a BBQ and Beer Fest on Sunday, followed by a relaxing morning before just the adults went and had fun at the Fair at the PNE.  After that we toured in earnest, visiting Whistler, Victoria and Vancouver over 4 days.  We got amazingly good weather for the first week of September!  We were so relieved that it didn't rain for our guests, and we enjoyed the touring all the more with the sun shining and a pleasant breeze.  It was a busy week, and at the end of it, ALL of us were worn out, but it was still hard to say good-bye!  Congratulations on your wedding J&B!  We loved having you!
Just SOME of the beer that we had available for sampling!
The Chocolate Porter was an interesting complement to dessert!


 99 bottles of beer on the fence, 99 bottles of beer....

Done for the night!

Newlyweds holding hands at the fair

Chris seemed to think a score needed to be settled, and a Whac-a-Mole victor named...
This is how it turned out:
Family harmony preserved til next year.

Brett wins his girl a giant stuffie!

Chris goes for the Surf's Up Crazy Dog - Brett, the Unroutine Poutine

The Peking Acrobats and the Motor-cross shows were highly entertaining

There is something magical about twilight at the fair when the rides are all lit up!
Jacquelyn and Deb went on the Drop Zone!  We didn't get video, but you can watch what someone else looks like if you click here.
It was pretty nerve-wrackign waiting for our turn, but once the scary part was done (the free-fall sensation just after Jackie clicked the thing that sent hurtling towards earth,) it was quite exhilerating!

The next day we drove up the Sea to Sky Highway to Whistler, stopping at the Britannia Mining Museum and a couple of vista points before wandering around the Village a bit and having some dinner.

Jordan was in a grumpy mood by the time we got to the mining museum. 
You can't tell from the photos but he whined and screamed so much that Daddy had to take him out to the car so everyone else could enjoy the visit. 
Still... Aren't they all super cute in their hard hats?
Stopping on the highway to take in the view!

click on the panorama to see the mountains in larger splendour!

We couldn't skip Brandywine Falls!  It's Chris'n'Deb's Spot,
and one of the Top 100 places to kiss in the Pacific Northwest!

J&B's BC honeymoon suite!  ;)

In Whistler's Olympic Plaza there is a very cool playground
where we let the kids blow off a little steam

Take a look at how Jordy plays so nicely with his baby sister!

 The Honeymooners take a few playful jabs at each other...
Next day we hopped a ferry to Vancouver Island to visit Butchart Gardens and to walk around the inner harbour.  It was yet another stunningly gorgeous day!
Statue in the pond of The Private Garden,
Jacquelyn and Mommy had a view of this, as they sat down to Tea in the conservatory.
The Sunken Garden

The Carousel is a new attraction since the last time we were here and the kids each enjoyed a ride.  Gotta say, this was no namby-pamby merry-go-round; it revolved at a fairly brisk clip!
Get a load of these smiles!

Ah pollination, essential to life as we know it!

The inner harbour was beautful too! 
The world-famous Fairmont Empress Hotel

And the Parliament Building.  Mommy had to change Cygni's diaper on the lawn at one point during the day and joked, "she's a true Canadian, showing her bare bum to Parliament!"
One the ferry ride home, the kiddos played in the kids area.  It was really fun to see Cygni trying things out on her own, like scooting to the play boat and taking the wheel.  But even better to see the two children playing together.  It's bcoming clearer every day that, though Jordan sometimes still plays too rough with her, they are friends.  Daddy reports that yesterday Jordy said/signed to him, "Jordan and Cygni play outside together."

As you can see below, these two often share a laugh
in which neither Mom nor Dad are included!

Next day we squeezed in a little time to sleep in and they headed downtown, to Stanley Park (Daddy took the kids to a play area so J&B could see some of the touristy bits,) and then Grouse Moutain.  We could not have hoped for a finer day to go up the mountain!

J-man pulling Cygni wherever he went
The Lions Gate Bridge, framed by roses

Brett's first (and likely, last,) taste of Ketchup flavoured chips.

Gondola going up Grouse
The Eye of The Wind
Mt. Baker in WA
Opening of the Lumberjack Show
 The Grizzly Habitat from the ski lifts

 Parasailing over English Bay
(UBC on the peninsula in the mid-ground, Vancouver Island in the background.)

What a pretty day! 
 Our neighbourhood is just to the far left and then upwards of the bridge
below Mt. Baker in this picture

 Downtown Core.  Damn, we love living here!

On their final Day, J&B went on a harbour cruise.  Mommy insisted on not coming with them, we wanted them to have SOME time to themselves!  Then we went to Chinatown for an authentic Chinese BBQ and wrapped it all up by hoofing it through Gastown.  And for the cherry on top of it all, we treated J&B to their first Japanese feast with sushi!  We don't have any photos of it, but they DID eat it!

 They got to see jellyfish and seals as well as the major
Vancouver landmarks visible from Burrard Inlet.

 Chinatown Gate with the Sam Kee Building
(The world's narrowest building, acknowledged by Guinness W.R.)
on the left (now houses Jack Chow Insurance.)
 Restored Woodward's sign
 Harbour Centre Tower as seen from Water Street
 Statue of "Gassy Jack"
 The Gastown Steam Clock
 Chinatown merchandising
Bye-Bye Jacquelyn and Brett!  We practically walked the soles off your shoes, but we know you had a great time and so did we!  Farewell until next we meet!

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