Thursday, April 7, 2011

Out & About with the Leatons

Before we get on to the subject of this blog, I thought we'd show you some photos from a couple of weekends ago when we spent some time at the pool with Nanny since we had so much fun and spoke so highly of it in the blog:

Yup, Jordy is not afraid to jump right in - you'll see better in a later picture

See what I mean?! It is a little scary sometimes (and splashy!) as you can tell from my face!

Blowing bubbles for Nanny!

And just this weekend we had some special visitors from Oregon, Aunt Virginia and Uncle Larry! We weren't sure what the weather was going to be like, so we hedged our bets and decided to check out the new Vancouver Convention Centre and a car show that was being put on there - a dry endeavour. It turned out to be a nice day after all, but we did have fun looking at all the cars and fantasizing about which ones we'd like to drive off with. Mommy and Daddy did spend an exasperating 20 minutes (felt like a lifetime though,) waiting with a stink-bottom-Jordy for someone who never came out of the Family Washroom. We waited and waited, and finally when we couldn't wait any longer Mommy took Jordan into the women's room and awkwardly changed him on the counter top, setting off automatic soap dispensers and faucets sporadically as the Little Dumer occasionally flailed a limb or an edge of clothing flopped around. Daddy was quite annoyed and continued to wait outside of the Family room with camera at the ready to snap a photo of, what we suspected was probably just, some guy as he came out of there. Probably best for Chris' criminal record that no one came out before Mommy was finished and ready to go back in to look at cars. At any rate, we had a lovely day, walked up and down Granville Street, and then topped it all off by meeting Tia and Uncle Mark for Pizza. By the end of it all we were tuckered out! We spent the next day which was rainy, pretty much at home quietly. But it was also nice to spend one low-key day with family; thanks for visiting us, Larry & Virginia! We had a great time and hope you did too.

Looks like Aunt Virginia dreams of a spicy drop-top...

...while Chris wants to be James Bond in an Aston Martin...

...Jordan, however, goes straight for the 'vette as soon as he is free of his stroller!

Yes, that sign says, "Please keep of the platform." No, Jordy can't read.

Neat-o, Mom!

Outside the Art Gallery on a gorgeous springy day! We later learned there was a mass pillow fight staged not too far from where we took this photo!

Jordan playing in the fountain under the Olympic Cauldron.

And Mommy gets caught not watching; note Jordy's feet a couple of inches off the ground! What could go wrong?

The Drivers were kind enough to snap this photo of us with our visitors after dinner!

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