Monday, August 23, 2010

Remote Control

The Little Dumer loves to push the remote control buttons and Daddy and I frequently joked that one day he would order something from video on demand. Well, a week and a half ago he finally did! He ordered Clash of the Titans. Funny, right? Guess what's even funnier? Today, he did it AGAIN! And so Mommy and Daddy will be hiding the remote from here on out.

He also has another tooth, his other upper-central incisor has made an appearance.


sydelle.murphy said...

we can relate! jake somehow misplaced our DVD remote and we've never found it. thank goodness for the universal remote!
ps ry is now teaching jake to turn thr tv off with his toes...lovely...

Jen said...

I can't believe how clever kids are! My nephew Noah figured out the remote control when he was about a year and a half too! Maybe he'll be programming computers by the time he's 5! LOL